En caso de entrega en 24 horas le enviaremos los productos disponibles en el plazo de un día. Para ello seleccione simplemente productos que muestren el símbolo 24h.
Tenga en cuenta que este servicio origina un coste adicional.
En caso de entregas parciales le enviaremos los productos disponibles en el plazo de unos días. Para ello, no tiene más que seleccionar los productos que desee recibir inmediatamente.
Tenga en cuenta que de este modo se cobrarán gastos de envío adicionales.
In the Krones.shop you will find a wide range of accessories for operating resources and maintenance. The range includes, among other things, coolant for the food and beverage sector, which is also suitable for applications in the pharmaceutical sector. In addition, it serves as an anti-freeze and anti-corrosion medium for refrigeration and heat pump systems, as well as an approved fire extinguishing agent for sprinkler systems. Activated carbon, a porous, fine-grained carbon with a large internal surface area, is also available. The range is rounded off with, among other things, assembly foam, heat-conducting paste, desiccants and electroplating accessories.
The Krones.shop is aimed for commercial customers. Prices, product details and availability of the products will be shown after a successful registration.