KRONES Touch-Screen Rack

N° artículo: KRTE003

Parte contratante: KRONES AG - Academy

Disponible 🛈

Sobre demanda


Descripción del producto


The Touch-Screen rack serves as an expansion for the SIMATIC S7-300 or 1500 rack with an integrated KRONES machine visualisation system where the user can exercise and call all functions known from the machine on the touch-screen.

Accessories and extensions

  • KRONES SIMATIC S7-300 or 1500 rack (prerequisite)
  • Participation in the course »KRONES visualisation technology – ZenOn touch-screen software«
  • Optional: Training documentation
  • Optional: KRONES Automation Notebook

Learning objectives

  • KRONES emergency package solution, practical use of the ZenOn tools
  • Alarm handling, diagnostics and interpretation of faults
  • Use of the type and user management system, data backup

Technical data, scope of supply

  • KRONES touch-screen rack
  • Connection diagram and operating instructions
  • Customer transponder set
  • Including current filler software project

Benefits to you

  • KRONES machine visualisation system with all included parameter visible
  • Learn how to use the production machines in a reliable and targeted manner via training with the touch-screen rack
  • Holding training courses on visualisation technology
  • Quicker and more efficient use of the help tools

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Tenga en cuenta que este servicio origina un coste adicional.

Partial delivery

En caso de entregas parciales le enviaremos los productos disponibles en el plazo de unos días. Para ello, no tiene más que seleccionar los productos que desee recibir inmediatamente.
Tenga en cuenta que de este modo se cobrarán gastos de envío adicionales. Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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Error Message: de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.exceptions.UnknownIdentifierException: Product with code 'KRTE003' not found!

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