Cold-glue technology: Basics, maintenance, adjusting work (module machine)

Item number: L18

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request






  • Machine functions
  • Mechanical and electrical components
  • Tasks prior to, during and after production
  • Control elements, touch-screen
  • Malfunctions and troubleshooting
  • Glue, label and container quality
  • Adjustments and practical work (70 % of the course duration)
    • From container infeed to machine discharge
    • Converting handling parts, docking/undocking labelling stations
    • Glue roller, glue scraper and pallet carousel
    • From label magazine to label transfer to the container
    • Brushing-on and rolling-on unit
    • RPC bottle rotation
  • Maintenance work

Course objective:

The objective of this seminar is efficient production with unplanned downtimes. You will learn how to consequently prevent malfunctions with the correct adjustment and maintenance work, thus increasing the efficiency on a sustained basis. After four days with many practical exercises, you can work independently with the machine while achieving a high labelling quality and quickly eliminating various faults.

24 h-Auslieferung

Bei einer Beauftragung bis 14.00 Uhr und der Auswahl 24h-Auslieferung senden wir Ihnen, die verfügbaren Produkte innerhalb eines Tages zu. Wählen Sie dazu einfach Produkte mit dem 24h-Symbol aus.
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