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KRONES machine electrical technology

Item number: EOT2

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Description de produit

Necessary prior knowledge:

Participation in KRONES system electrical technology required

Modules & Topics:


  • Servo drive control
    • Signals and pulses for position and speed, processing of the pulses
    • Signal flow, function and position of “container present” sensor, touchscreen diagnostics for signals
    • More detailed information about the system itself and used hardware
    • Powerlink-Hub, Emergency-power-supply
    • How to exchange a servo drive or an ACOPOS-Multi device
    • How to do necessary adjustments and change settings
    • Find, interpret and use multiple diagnostics and function pages on the touchscreen
    • Optional: specific topics/questions attachable by customer


  • Filling valve control
    • Knowledge about FVC
    • Identify problems with the system (filling process) for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • Mixer
    • Basic insight into the mixers process steps
    • Necessary adjustments and calibrations after valve/device exchange


  • MMA modular labeller
    • Knowledge about MMA modular machine
    • Identify problems and learn fine adjustments for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • RPC labeller
    • Knowledge about RPC-Module
    • Identify Problems and learn fine adjustments for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtime
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • Contiroll
    • Gain knowledge about the Contiroll aggregate
    • Identification of problems with the system for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • APS
    • APS aggregate
    • Identification of problems with the system for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange


  • Contiform 3
    • Basic knowledge about the Contiform 3 blow molder
    • Identification of problems with the system for quick troubleshooting and reduced downtimes
    • Necessary adjustments after device exchange

Livraison 24h

En cas de livraison 24 h, nous vous envoyons les produits disponibles en un jour. Il vous suffit pour cela de sélectionner les produits avec le symbole 24h.
Veuillez noter que des frais supplémentaires peuvent être facturés à cet effet.

Partial delivery

En cas de livraison partielle, nous vous enverrons les produits disponibles d'ici quelques jours. Il vous suffit de sélectionner les produits que vous souhaitez obtenir immédiatement.Veuillez noter que des frais de port supplémentaires vous seront facturés. Germany | spare parts, service and offers

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