KRONES S7-1500 machine control system - Understanding and applying interrelationships

No d'article: A02

Partie contractante: KRONES AG - Academy

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Description de produit


Basic technical knowledge, basic PC knowledge


KRONES Automation notebook or KRONES Automation Field PG


  • System relationships:
    • General overview of the control system and consideration of the individual components
  • Insight into data communications within the machine/ system
  • Control technology maintenance:
    • Backing up of the system-relevant data of the entire system (CPU subcontroller, HMI, etc.)
    • Replacement of components
    • Preventive maintenance (e.g. imaging)
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Specific troubleshooting of the general HMI fault message for PLC diagnostics
    • Bus and network diagnostics (AS-i, Profinet, Profibus, Ethernet, etc.)
    • Touch-screen diagnostics options
    • PLC diagnostics with/without programming unit

Course objective:

Avoiding downtimes, quickly diagnosing faults and backing up data completely are the basis for machine maintenance. In this course you will learn about the interplay of all control components, providing you with a better understanding of the system controller. Especially for new KRONES systems, the course offers a quick introduction, and with it a smooth transition from commissioning to production.

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  • Roulem. rainuré à billes 61904 2RS 20x37
  • Roulem. rainuré à billes 6210 Z 50x90x20
  • Clavette DIN6885-1 A 80x16x10 1.4571
  • Réduc. à engrenage planét 0,06kW 0,15
  • Palier-bride PCJT N-FA125.8 30x80x35,7
  • 阀
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