Bright beer filtration and stabilisation – basics

Item number: BOT3

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

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Price on request


Product description

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Modules & Topics:

Overview of the training

  • Introduction of individual trainees
  • Tools and techniques for online training

Candle filter system Twin Flow System TFS

  • Principle of DE (Kieselgur) filtration
  • Purpose and possibilities of product stabilisation
  • Process aids, their application and calculation
  • Important components and their role in the process
  • Basic knowledge of the production and CIP processes of the TFS

Carbo blender

  • Purpose and basic working principle
  • Important components and their role in the process


  • Process units in the filter cellar
  • Basic knowledge of their production processes

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Últimos vistos

  • Encaixe tubo/união rosc. LL 6 M6x1 St-Zn
  • Anel de vedação G DN50 FPM DIN 11851
  • RODA DE CORRENTE   F08882/5
  • FLANGE DN125 PN16 A4 DIN EN 1092-1
  • Anel de vedação Ø 53x2,5 11/2 "
  • Modulo LS 182
  • Cartucho aquecedor para bico de dosagem
  • U. ARRANQUE SUAVE 3,00 KW 200-480 V
  • Anel ranhurado RS01A 38x46x7 PUR
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