Expert Level 2: Overhaul – Robobox/Modulpal

No d'article: D36

Partie contractante: KRONES AG - Academy

Non disponible 🛈

Description de produit


Basic technical knowledge


  • Overhauling of X, Y and Z-linear units
  • Replacement of belts of module 1 and 2
  • Replacing and adjusting the Modulpal bearings
  • Adjusting the motor units on the infeed belts (acceleration, stop and separating belt)
  • Overhauling of gripper head
  • Replacement of the conveyors of the gripper head and the horizontal pusher
  • Overhauling of the pallet handling module and all bearings
  • Recalibrating the Robobox modules and the palletiser
  • P.E. sensor offset positions and their definition
  • Tensioning al conveyor and belts

A Modulpal with a Robobox are available in our new training hall for the practical training units.

Course objective:

Gear and axis system precision can be achieved only with comprehensive machine know-how. Tailored training at the KRONES Academy Rosenheim provides precisely this knowledge. The topics covered include structural design, function, servicing, and operation of the various components, with a special focus on professional assembly and dismantling.

Livraison 24h

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Veuillez noter que des frais supplémentaires peuvent être facturés à cet effet.

Partial delivery

En cas de livraison partielle, nous vous enverrons les produits disponibles d'ici quelques jours. Il vous suffit de sélectionner les produits que vous souhaitez obtenir immédiatement.Veuillez noter que des frais de port supplémentaires vous seront facturés.

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