Ulteriori servizi

Pacchetto di scorte di magazzino
Riducete al minimo i tempi di inattività con un pacchetto di stoccaggio personalizzato
Completed basic and advanced courses
Five different dry-end machines are available in our new training hall for the practical training units.
Course objective:
When overhauling KRONES filling and packaging systems, you will come into contact with mechanical and electrical components almost every day. To obtain a better understanding of this technology and to provide you with tools for a quicker fault analysis, we have developed this training course for maintenance teams. Make use of our new training hall with machinery to improve your expert knowledge on the different machines. Become more efficient in troubleshooting by understanding the many available tools.
Pacchetto di scorte di magazzino
Riducete al minimo i tempi di inattività con un pacchetto di stoccaggio personalizzato