Dalla tecnologia di processo a quella di confezionamento: Krones.shop è la piattaforma globale di ricambi e assistenza per l'industria alimentare e delle bevande.

  • Welcome3.jpg

    Добро пожаловать в интернет-магазин Krones AG

    Обратите внимание, что региональные предложения и услуги доступны лишь в ограниченном объеме. При возникновении вопросов обращайтесь в любое время к своему контактному лицу фирмы Krones.

  • 10 лет Krones.shop

    10 лет Krones.shop

    Ваши сервисы

    Чтобы сделать Krones.shop еще лучше,
    мы постоянно совершенствуем также
    наши цифровые сервисы.

    По случаю нашего 10-летнего юбилея мы
    хотим представить вам три особых сервиса.

    Scoprite di più
  • From Pellet to Pallet

    From Pellet to Pallet

    Krones Preform Systems

    Are you planning the production of preforms?
    Then request a Krones Preform System here
    without obligation – with Krones Prefero machine
    and MHT tools.

    Scoprite di più
  • Request your personal package online

    Request your personal package online

    Stock-keeping Package

    Benefit from proactive stock keeping and request directly your personal recommendation. Simply log into your "My account" and select the option "Stock-keeping Package" in Lifecycle Service products.

    Scoprite di più


  • Регулировочная шайба 10x16x0,1 A2 DIN988
  • Фильтрующий элемент
  • Цепь модульной транспортерной ленты
  • Модульная пластиковая цепь
  • Шайба для цепного колеса
  • Центробежный вентилятор
  • Зажимной кулачок
  • Цепь модульной транспортерной ленты
  • Теплообменник

Последние просмотренные



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在我们的帮助区域里,您可获得有关 Krones.shop 以及您的 eCat online 问题的各种解答。

Security Update




在 KRONES.shop 还会为您提供精选的生命周期服务产品。这样您就可以非常方便地在线使用和询问我们的服务。 

3D printer


Rapid Part On Demand


借助克朗斯的 3D 打印解决方案 "Rapid Part on Demand",在机器发生故障时能够快速、灵活、独立地应对。

观看视频,了解我们的客户对 Krones.shop 的评价:

在我们的视频中,您可以看到 Krones.shop 是如何让我们的客户 Coca Cola Lüneburg、Romina Mineralbrunnen 和 Darguner 的日常生活变得更轻松的。





Krones.shop – The global platform for the beverage and liquid-food industry

The Krones.shop offers Krones spare parts from the fields of automation technology, process technology or sealing technology, third-party spare parts from the suppliers AETNA - ROBOPAC, M. Tanner, Zalkin and many more, as well as a wide range of services.
You can purchase these quickly, easily and directly via our digital platform.

After successful registration, an individual profile will be created for you, precisely tailored to your machinery and linked to the Krones eCat. It contains your personal machine documentation.
This means that you not only have access to all loaded machines, including parts lists, but you can also place spare parts in the shopping basket directly via the Krones eCat and complete your order.

Benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Range: In addition to over 6 million spare parts, upgrades, components, services and used machines are also available online
  • Clarity: Display of all orders placed and overview of their order status
  • Accessibility: Availability around the clock - 24/7
  • Effectiveness: Immediate price and availability information considering your customer data
  • Information: Useful additional information about quotes, upgrades and further recommendations
  • Optimized display: User-friendly usage of the Krones.shop across all devices
  • Individualisation: Quick and easy parts ordering with a profile personally tailored to your machine park
  • Integration: Krones eCat including images, parts lists and connection diagrams of your lines and machines
  • Multilingualism: Accessibility of the Krones.shop from more than 180 countries and in ten languages
  • High data security

More than 20,000 customers are already registered in the Krones.shop.
Register today and benefit from many advantages of the Krones.shop!

Register now

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