KRONES Touch-Screen Rack

Номер артикула: KRTE003

Партнер по договору: KRONES AG - Academy

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Описание продукта


The Touch-Screen rack serves as an expansion for the SIMATIC S7-300 or 1500 rack with an integrated KRONES machine visualisation system where the user can exercise and call all functions known from the machine on the touch-screen.

Accessories and extensions

  • KRONES SIMATIC S7-300 or 1500 rack (prerequisite)
  • Participation in the course »KRONES visualisation technology – ZenOn touch-screen software«
  • Optional: Training documentation
  • Optional: KRONES Automation Notebook

Learning objectives

  • KRONES emergency package solution, practical use of the ZenOn tools
  • Alarm handling, diagnostics and interpretation of faults
  • Use of the type and user management system, data backup

Technical data, scope of supply

  • KRONES touch-screen rack
  • Connection diagram and operating instructions
  • Customer transponder set
  • Including current filler software project

Benefits to you

  • KRONES machine visualisation system with all included parameter visible
  • Learn how to use the production machines in a reliable and targeted manner via training with the touch-screen rack
  • Holding training courses on visualisation technology
  • Quicker and more efficient use of the help tools

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