Filler – Electrical System (LCT3/KFS3 controller)

Numero articolo: E03

Partner contrattuale: KRONES AG - Academy

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Basic knowledge of the machine mechanics is beneficial.


  • System overview and communication channels
  • KRONES wiring diagram
  • AS-interface and Profibus basics
  • Danfoss FC300/VLT5000; MCT10 software
  • zenOn touch-screen
  • KRONES standard encoders and sensors
  • Diagnostics and replacement of components
  • KFS3 filling valve controller
  • Operation and parameterisation on the LCT3
  • Filling valve and sensor diagnostics
  • Parameter backup (software is comprised in the krones scope of supply)
  • Diagnostics and troubleshooting

Course objective:

The quality and efficiency reached in your production is also a question of machine controllers: To ensure a reliable functionality here, you will learn in the course how to understand critical electrical parts, and how to diagnose, repair and replace them.

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Últimos vistos

  • Anel de vedação G DN50 EPDM DIN 11851
  • Inserto de bucha L82,5/77 D52/25
  • Anilha - v 20S 18x4 NBR
  • Anel de vedação Glyd TG32 80x91x4,2 PTFE
  • Porca sextavada M5 A2 DIN980
  • Válvula de dreno
  • Cotovelo de conexão anilha
  • Mancal de deslizamento pRT-01 60x160x145
  • Arruela ondulada
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