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Contiroll 745 with LCT3 Controller – Electrical System

Item number: E07

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Descrizione prodotto


Basic knowledge of the machine mechanics is beneficial.


  • KRONES wiring diagram
  • Profibus basics
  • Danfoss frequency inverter FC300/VLT5000; MCT10 software
  • Touch-screen with Zenon; data backup
  • Replacing and setting the encoder
  • Function and setting of all sensors
  • Replacing electrical components
  • Parametrisation on the LCT3
  • Practical exercises on the training machine
  • Creating and setting a new label type
  • Diagnostics, replacement of components and data backup (LCT3)

Course objective:

This course conveys the necessary knowledge for professionally repairing and fine-adjusting the machine. A higher product quality and shorter downtimes make this training a worthwhile investment.

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