

需咨询 🛈



Product details

Measuring technology

  • Type: flow meter
  • Measuring medium: gas
  • Process connection type: thread
  • 压力相关的零件: 否
  • Measuring principle: mechanical
  • Special specification: no
  • CCC 认证: 否
  • Gost-R 认证: 否
  • EAC(欧亚关税联盟): 否
  • 备件类别: ETP_类别 2(中等)
  • Complexity: Standard catalogue part
  • Relevant to reach 1010: Not relevant

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Partial delivery

With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.
