CIP – basic course

Item number: B20

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request



Maximum of eight participants per course


Basic brewing process knowledge


  • Basics
    • Cleaning and disinfection
  • Components
    • Overall set-up
      • Storage tanks
      • Heat exchanger
      • Streamers
      • Manual Panel
    • Mechanical components
      • Pumps
      • Valves and fittings
    • Sensors and controllers (optional)
      • Conductivity measurement
    • Periphery
      • Concentrate storage
      • Dosages
    • Pipe work and connections
  • Safety
    • Interlocks
    • Non-manipulative security
  • Cleaning
    • Check if CIP was successful
    • Manual Cleaning
  • Maintenance
    • Check if safe to operate
    • Inspection
  • Monitoring
    • Process control malfunction warnings
    • Unit malfunctions
    • Unit settings
  • Learning outcomes
    • Basic knowledge of the CIP plant components and their function
    • Understanding the four cleaning parameters: how they influence the cleaning result, how they are monitored in the automatic process
    • Understanding the different CIP procedures: using different cleaning agents - for different cellar process areas
    • Understanding the Importance of CIP for the brewing process
    • Prevent equipment faults and ensure a stable production
  • Proficiency-level monitoring (optional)
    • Theoretical test
  • Final discussion

Course objective:

The participants familiarise themselves with the CIP unit. They get to know the most important CIP components and their role in the process. They learn how the CIP unit is operated.

24 h-Auslieferung

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