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Digital KRONES Academy

Item number: KRTE011

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Product description

Our direct line to KRONES know-how

All machine information stored at a central location and available for calling up by a range of different devices? The Digital KRONES Academy makes it possible. The concept is simple yet ingenious at the same time:

You get operating manuals, custom-tailored training materials and short video sequences – and all in one place: the training terminal. But the Digital KRONES Academy is more than a central storage space. After all, it goes without saying that you also need to have the right tools to hand where they are needed - which means at the machine itself.

Via integrated Wi-Fi you can access all the materials in the training terminal using your smartphone or tablet. You will therefore be able to carry out crucial tasks on the KRONES machine confidently and reliably.

24 h Delivery

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Partial delivery

With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.

Further services

Stock-keeping Package

Stock-keeping Package

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Maintain or optimize the productivity of your existing systems in the long term

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Substitution lists

Substitution lists

Get a free overview of all replaced materials that are installed in your system

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Tutorials and Webinars

Tutorials and Webinars

Learn more about functions with the help of tutorials or a Krones expert

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