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A10-3 KRONES Visualisation Technology - zenOn Touch-screen Software

Item number: A10

Partner: KRONES AG - Academy

Orderable 🛈

Price on request


Product description



  • KRONES visualisation philosophy
    • Configuration of the hardware and communications assemblies
    • File structures, project backup and installation
    • Practical handling of the zenOn tools
    • Kronesemergency package solution
    • Alarm handling, diagnostics and interpretation of faults
  • zenOn Editor (project planning environment)
    • Handling and functions of the zenOn Explorer
    • Functions, menu structure of the zenOn Editor, SQL-DB
    • Project manager work environment
    • Configuration of various dynamic elements
    • Configuration of the variables list
    • Editing and adding malfunction texts and warnings
    • Experimental setup exercises

Course objective:

How does the KRONES visualisation technology work? Illustrative practical examples and hands-on exercises will help you to gain quickly confidence and expertise. In our training laboratory, you will work on simulations in the current zenOn 6.20/6.22 development environment. After the seminar, you will be able to perform modifications to the visualisation system, to efficiently eliminate faults and thus reduce downtimes.

24 h Delivery

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Partial delivery

With a partial delivery, we will send you the available products within a few days. Just select the products that you want to have immediately.
Please note that for this option you will be charged additional shipment costs.

Further services

Stock-keeping Package

Stock-keeping Package

Minimize downtimes with a tailor-made stock-keeping Package

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Maintain or optimize the productivity of your existing systems in the long term

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Substitution lists

Substitution lists

Get a free overview of all replaced materials that are installed in your system

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Tutorials and Webinars

Tutorials and Webinars

Learn more about functions with the help of tutorials or a Krones expert

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