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  • Krones.shop 上线 10 周年

    Krones.shop 上线 10 周年


    为了打造更出色的 Krones.shop,我们

    值此上线 10周年之际,请允许我

  • From Pellet to Pallet

    From Pellet to Pallet

    Krones Preform Systems

    Are you planning the production of preforms?
    Then request a Krones Preform System here
    without obligation – with Krones Prefero machine
    and MHT tools.

  • Request your personal package online

    Request your personal package online

    Stock-keeping Package

    Benefit from proactive stock keeping and request directly your personal recommendation. Simply log into your "My account" and select the option "Stock-keeping Package" in Lifecycle Service products.



  • 调节垫圈 10x16x0,1 A2 DIN988
  • Cart. filtr. matières en suspension
  • Chaîne à bande charnières
  • chaîne de transport d accumul.
  • Disque de roue dentée
  • Ventilateur radial
  • Machoire
  • Chaîne à bande charnières
  • Echangeur de chaleur

Últimos vistos

  • cartouche filtrante
  • Roulem. rainuré à billes 6210 2RS 50x90
  • Écrou hexagonal M24x2 A2 DIN439
  • Parafuso de cabeça chata M6x10 A2 DIN921
  • Arruela de travamento MB10 50x74 AC
  • Cordao de aco D=2/3 MM L=500 MM
  • Anel de vedação O-Ring 257,8x2,62 FPM
  • Vidro D125 x 25 DIN 7080
  • Tampão de aço p/ válvulas de amostragem
  • Conector de encaixe
  • Vedação Clamp DN40 EPDM DIN 32676
  • Filtro de rede ACOPOSmulti 44A
  • Filtro de rede ACOPOSmulti 22,5A
  • Mola de pressão a gás 300mm F=470N
  • V. reguladora R DN025 KV0,63 10 NC E
  • Conversor de frequência 1,5 kW
  • Disjuntor de sobrecarga 6,3-10A 3p
  • Comutador


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Aqui você pode solicitar um webinar gratuito com um especialista da Krones e saber mais sobre as funções do Krones.shop.

3D printer


Rapid Part On Demand


Ser capaz de reagir de forma rápida, flexível e independente em caso de falhas da máquina graças à solução de impressão 3D.

Descubra no vídeo a opinião de nossos clientes sobre a Krones.shop:

Em nosso vídeo vê como a Krones.shop facilita o cotidiano de nossos clientes Coca-Cola Lüneburg, Romina Mineralbrunnen e Darguner.

Clique aqui para acessar mais testemunhos de clientes:

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Produtos e serviços do grupo Krones

Categorias favoritas

Krones.shop – The global platform for the beverage and liquid-food industry

The Krones.shop offers Krones spare parts from the fields of automation technology, process technology or sealing technology, third-party spare parts from the suppliers AETNA - ROBOPAC, M. Tanner, Zalkin and many more, as well as a wide range of services.
You can purchase these quickly, easily and directly via our digital platform.

After successful registration, an individual profile will be created for you, precisely tailored to your machinery and linked to the Krones eCat. It contains your personal machine documentation.
This means that you not only have access to all loaded machines, including parts lists, but you can also place spare parts in the shopping basket directly via the Krones eCat and complete your order.

Benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Range: In addition to over 6 million spare parts, upgrades, components, trainings, services and used machines are also available online
  • Clarity: Display of all orders placed and overview of their order status
  • Accessibility: Availability around the clock - 24/7
  • Effectiveness: Immediate price and availability information considering your customer data
  • Information: Useful additional information about quotes, upgrades and further recommendations
  • Optimized display: User-friendly usage of the Krones.shop across all devices
  • Individualisation: Quick and easy parts ordering with a profile personally tailored to your machine park
  • Integration: Krones eCat including images, parts lists and connection diagrams of your lines and machines
  • Multilingualism: Accessibility of the Krones.shop from more than 180 countries and in ten languages
  • High data security

More than 20,000 customers are already registered in the Krones.shop.
Register today and benefit from many advantages of the Krones.shop!

Register now

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