Nella sezione di aiuto troverete le risposte alle domande relative a Krones.shop e al vostro eCat online.
Qui è possibile richiedere un webinar gratuito con un esperto Krones e saperne di più su alcuni servizi e funzioni del Krones.shop
La possibilità di reagire in modo rapido, flessibile e indipendente in caso di guasti alle macchine grazie alla soluzione di stampa 3D.
The Krones.shop offers Krones spare parts from the fields of automation technology, process technology or sealing technology, third-party spare parts from the suppliers AETNA - ROBOPAC, M. Tanner, Zalkin and many more, as well as a wide range of services.
You can purchase these quickly, easily and directly via our digital platform.
After successful registration, an individual profile will be created for you, precisely tailored to your machinery and linked to the Krones eCat. It contains your personal machine documentation.
This means that you not only have access to all loaded machines, including parts lists, but you can also place spare parts in the shopping basket directly via the Krones eCat and complete your order.
More than 20,000 customers are already registered in the Krones.shop.
Register today and benefit from many advantages of the Krones.shop!