BOTEC F1 – ILTIS Vizualisation

Número de artigo: B14

Cocontratante: KRONES AG - Academy

Em estoque 🛈

Descrição do produto

Maximum of three participants per course


Sound knowledge of Windows, participation in part 1, sound knowledge of the SQL server tools and sound knowledge of electrical engineering


  • Update of the hardware list
  • Addition of an actuator or the unit in the plant configuration
  • Creation of a process image in the visualisation system
  • Addition of the necessary control blocks to the PLC code
  • Troubleshooting and tricks
  • Handling of/accessing:
    • Online help
    • Technical Documentation
    • Botec Helpline
  • IST WPF (optional)
  • Botec programmes and tools:
    • System configuration
    • Plant configuration
    • Recipe management
    • Order system
    • GcLD (optional)

Course objective:

In this course, which is built on part 1, you will find out how to make minor changes to your line by yourself. In addition to repeating and deepening the content from part 1, this course will focus particularly on the ILTIS visualisation programme from IST. Maintenance tasks such as the creation and editing of user profiles, backups and system restoration will be practised so that by the end you will be able to master the automation system safely and permanently.

Fornecimento 24 horas

No caso de um fornecimento 24 horas, o envio dos produtos disponíveis será feito dentro de um dia. Para tal, basta selecionar os produtos com o símbolo de 24 horas.
Tenha em atenção que, nesse caso, são cobrados custos adicionais.

Partial delivery

No caso de um fornecimento parcial os produtos disponíveis serão enviados em alguns dias. Para o efeito, selecione os produtos que pretende adquirir de imediato.Note que serão contabilizados custos adicionais de envio.
