Desde la técnica de procesos hasta la técnica de embalajes: es la plataforma global de repuestos y servicios para la industria alimentaria y de bebidas.

  • 10 years of

    10 years of

    Your services

    We are also constantly developing our digital
    services with an aim to improving the
    even further.

    To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we would
    like to present you with three special services.

    Más información
  • From Pellet to Pallet

    From Pellet to Pallet

    Krones Preform Systems

    Are you planning the production of preforms?
    Then request a Krones Preform System here
    without obligation – with Krones Prefero machine
    and MHT tools.

    Más información
  • Request your personal package online

    Request your personal package online

    Stock-keeping Package

    Benefit from proactive stock keeping and request directly your personal recommendation. Simply log into your "My account" and select the option "Stock-keeping Package" in Lifecycle Service products.

    Más información


Zuletzt angesehen

  • Pressure spring D1=7.6 D2=6.6 L=23 5.8N
  • Washer B 17x50x3 A2 DIN9021
  • GREASE FITTING          NIP A1
  • 气缸螺栓 M10x20 A2 70 DIN6912
  • 支撑滚轮
  • 输送带
  • 密封件
  • 钥匙
  • 标签
  • 管道螺栓紧固装置 8/8 Niro
  • 滑环密封件
  • 接近开关起始器
  • 凸轮盘
  • 位置显示器
  • 连接电缆
  • 电源滤波器
  • 凹槽球轴承 6002 2Z 15x32x9
  • 吸嘴
  • Zylinderrollenlager NU1026 ML 130x200x33
  • O-Ring 70x70x10
  • Sensor für Ozon
  • Druckschalter
  • Gelenkkopf BRTM 20L M20X1,5
  • HTD-Zahnscheibe
  • Passfeder DIN6885-1 A 36x6x6 1.0503+CR

Alles auf einen Blick



Benötigen Sie Hilfe?


In unserem Hilfebereich erhalten Sie Antworten auf Ihre Fragen rund um den und Ihren eCat online. Webinare Webinare


Hier können Sie ein kostenloses Webinar mit einem Krones Experten anfragen und mehr über Funktionen lernen.

3D printer


Rapid Part On Demand


Bei Maschinenausfällen schnell, flexibel & unabhängig reagieren können dank unserer 3D-Druck-Lösung im

Erfahren Sie im Video, was unsere Kunden zum sagen:

In unserem Video sehen Sie, wie der den Alltag für unsere Kunden Coca Cola Lüneburg, Romina Mineralbrunnen und Darguner erleichtert.

Klicken Sie hier für mehr Kundenstimmen:

Alle Kundenstimmen


Produkte und Services der Krones Gruppe

Beliebte Kategorien – The global platform for the beverage and liquid-food industry

The offers Krones spare parts from the fields of automation technology, process technology or sealing technology, third-party spare parts from the suppliers AETNA - ROBOPAC, M. Tanner, Zalkin and many more, as well as a wide range of services.
You can purchase these quickly, easily and directly via our digital platform.

After successful registration, an individual profile will be created for you, precisely tailored to your machinery and linked to the Krones eCat. It contains your personal machine documentation.
This means that you not only have access to all loaded machines, including parts lists, but you can also place spare parts in the shopping basket directly via the Krones eCat and complete your order.

Benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Range: In addition to over 6 million spare parts, upgrades, components, trainings, services and used machines are also available online
  • Clarity: Display of all orders placed and overview of their order status
  • Accessibility: Availability around the clock - 24/7
  • Effectiveness: Immediate price and availability information considering your customer data
  • Information: Useful additional information about quotes, upgrades and further recommendations
  • Optimized display: User-friendly usage of the across all devices
  • Individualisation: Quick and easy parts ordering with a profile personally tailored to your machine park
  • Integration: Krones eCat including images, parts lists and connection diagrams of your lines and machines
  • Multilingualism: Accessibility of the from more than 180 countries and in ten languages
  • High data security

More than 20,000 customers are already registered in the
Register today and benefit from many advantages of the!

Register now

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