E06-2 Contiroll and Contiroll HS (B&R controllers) – Electrical System

E06-2 Contiroll and Contiroll HS (B&R controllers) – Electrical System

Artikelnummer: E06

Vertragspartner: KRONES AG - Academy

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Descrizione prodotto



Basic knowledge of mechanics


  • KRONES wiring diagram
  • AS-i Safety at work, Profibus
  • Danfoss FC300/frequency inverter; MCT10 software
  • Main drive, synchronisation of discharge conveyor
  • Touch-screen: type management, user administration and data backup
  • Special encoders, replacement and setting
  • System overview, network and communication
  • Machine functions, e.g. broken bottle detection, height adjustment, infeed monitoring
  • Parameter structure, fine adjustment of the labelling station on the touch-screen
  • Diagnostics, replacement of components and data backup

Course objective:

In this seminar, you will acquire valuable skills for machine maintenance. You will learn which servo drive fine adjustments are necessary to obtain best labelling results.

Consegna in 24 ore

Effettuando un ordine entro le 14:00 e selezionando la consegna in 24 ore i prodotti verranno inviati il giorno stesso. Basta scegliere i prodotti con il simbolo 24 h.

Tenere presente che in questo caso vengono calcolate spese aggiuntive.

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